Post-Graduate Program:


Colleges fully recognize the value of students enrolling after a Post Grad experience. With a growing demand and need for such a specialized offering. Many graduating seniors today are not ready technically and/or competitively to excel at their desired level of college arts. Likewise, some student artists are searching for a year where they can live independently and better prepare for the rigors of college life. And there may be academic reasons why taking an extra year between high school and college is the best course of action (i.e., SAT/ACT issues, ESL or TOEFL issues, GPA problems, the chance to take college credits in advance, etc.).


The iDVA academy 7 month post-graduate program is for the digital visual art student who needs an extra year of digital arts training and/or academics to expand their college recruitment opportunities.  This program offers academic

options to meet each individuals needs for college preparation including: SAT/ACT prep course, credit recovery

classes and on-line college courses, including college placement strategies.




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